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Corridor care: Survey results
This document records the findings of an online survey sent to members of the RCN’s Emergency Care Association network exploring their experiences of corridor care.
A new dawn for nursing: 2023-2027
Our five-year strategy aims to inspire, champion and support the nursing community to deliver the best possible care.
Mental health nursing: a profession that must be valued (Welsh summary)
This publication is the executive summary and recommendations of the report, Mental health nursing: a profession that must be valued.
Fair Pay for Nursing England Ballot Poster May 2023
An A4 poster with information about the May 2023 strike ballot.
Council’s Report to Members on Congress 2022
This report details the activities that have been carried out by RCN members and staff to push forward with the resolutions and matters for discussions passed at Congress 2022. The document covers issues as far ranging as overworking, ethical overseas recruitment, Agenda for Change and long COVID – it highlights the most pressing matters facing our members and the nursing profession.
Fair Pay for Nursing England Ballot leaflet May 2023
A four page leaflet with information about the May 2023 strike ballot.
A Case Management Tool for TB Prevention, Care and Control in the UK
This publication includes guidance for clinical and non-clinical staff involved in the management and care of TB patients. It aims to promote standardisation of protocols and procedures, ensure accountability for delivery and establish clear performance measures through cohort review. The tool is consistent with existing guidance for professionals working in the field of TB in the UK which provide a sound framework for clinical management and commissioning. This updated guidance replaces 006 194.
Mental health nursing: a profession that must be valued (English)
Mental health nursing is an extremely diverse field, but a stigma remains around severe and enduring mental ill-health. This, combined with a lack of investment in inpatient services, has contributed to inequalities within mental health service provision. This paper presents a range of recommendations for the Welsh government to improve mental health service provision through investment in education, improved career pathways, workforce planning, and more.
Mouth Care During End of Life Care: Keeping the mouth clean, moist and comfortable
This resource can be used by the persons receiving care, their relatives and those important to them, to help support good mouth care during end-of-life care. The publication is endorsed by Marie Curie.
RCN Position Statement: Menopause and you at work
The RCN believes that everyone has a right to access support at work, around the menopause, to enable them to continue in employment and ensure they maintain a healthy life, within any healthcare setting. This position statement is for all nurses, midwives, nursing associates and nursing support worker working in any health and social care setting in any of the four countries in relation to menopause at work.