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Nurse-to-patient ratios and ending corridor care: our prescription for the NHS
We’ve contributed to an independent investigation into the performance of the NHS in England by highlighting what must be done to address the nursing workforce crisis – from implementing nurse-to-patient ratios, to eradicating corridor care and supporting mental health of nursing staff.
King’s Speech response: policy programme is step towards nursing reset and renewal
RCN welcomes positive moves including the commitment to repeal anti-trade union legislation, but measures to increase recruitment and retention in the nursing workforce and eradicate corridor care must follow soon.
Corridor care: RCN declares ‘national emergency’ and demands political action
Nursing staff are regularly forced to provide care to patients in chairs and corridors, compromising patient safety and dignity. We’re asking members to call it out and join our fight to eradicate the practice.
Sustainable Nursing Practice
Sustainable nursing practice subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Medicines Management
Medicines Management subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Gastroenterology subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Learning Disability Nursing
Learning Disability Nursing from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Occupational Health
Occupational Health subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Dementia subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.
Critical Appraisal
Critical Appraisal subject guide from the Royal College of Nursing Library and Museum. Highlights key information resources.