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PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: Employment practices for internationally recruited health and social care staff
RCN briefing for MPs ahead of the Westminster Hall debate on employment practices for internationally recruited health and social care staff.
Speaking at RCN Congress
IHSC member Joanna Grant on her rewarding experience of proposing and speaking to a resolution at Congress.
Royal College of Nursing response to NHS pay announcement for nursing staff in Wales
Responding to the NHS pay announcement for nursing staff in Wales, RCN Wales Executive Director Helen Whyley said: “The RCN today welcomes the Welsh government announcement that it will implement the recommendations of the independent pay review body (PRB) for NHS Agenda for Change staff in Wales. Nursing staff have been eagerly awaiting the Welsh government decision since early July, which applies from April 2024."
RCN Position Statement on Nursing Associates (NAs) Training in Cervical Screening
The RCN recognises that nursing associates (NAs) carry out cervical screening, in line with national standards. Service and education providers should be confident that appropriate and relevant training and supervision is in place.
Developing RCN activists in the IHSC
RCN South East's Dawn Livingston on opportunities for activists in the Independent Health and Social Care Sector (IHSC).
RCN Library and Archive Service Review of the Year 2023
This review covers the work of the RCN’s Library and Archive Service during 2023 – from events and exhibitions to marketing and social media activity and collections development, it showcases the wide variety of work undertaken by the library teams.
RCN Retired members conference 2024
How can retired members get active and influential in the RCN?
Video: 'Long COVID has taken my nursing career'
Long COVID disproportionately affected nursing staff. Nichola explains how it's taken her career, and the support that she and others need from employers
Specialist nurse workforce on track to halve in size compared with two decades ago, as RCN urges government to intervene on eve of Darzi review
RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger said: “A shift to delivering preventative care is vital for patients and our NHS. Prevention helps keep people healthy in their communities, eases the pressure on hospital services and is much more cost effective. But the nurse numbers we need to deliver this shift have collapsed and we’re set to have thousands fewer than we did 20 years ago. That is shocking."
Royal College of Nursing responds to publication of Lord Darzi’s Independent investigation of the National Health Service in England
RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “Nursing staff will recognise many of Lord Darzi’s conclusions, not least how sustained austerity, cuts to public health and failure to invest in community services have impacted NHS performance and patient care."