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RCN position on registered nurses and nursing associates working in maternity services across the UK
RCN position on registered nurses and nursing associates working in maternity services across the UK
Shaping ethical recruitment
RCN International Policy Advisor, Martyn Campbell, discusses our recent submission to the WHO consultation on global ethical nursing recruitment and reflects on the concerns that we raised on behalf of UK nursing.
Using the archive
Using the archive
New pay structure can deliver ‘fresh start’ for nursing, RCN tells government
Professor Pat Cullen, RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive said: “Nursing is not a calling. Or a vocation. Or ‘women’s work’. We are a profession; we are experts; we are leaders. There is an art and a science to what we do."
Royal College of Nursing responds to Unison survey showing widespread sexual harassment of NHS staff
RCN Chief Nurse Professor Nicola Ranger said: “These figures paint an incredibly disturbing picture. Nursing staff should be able to come to work and expect the NHS to be a safe place - and not face the risk of assault, harassment, or abuse."
Royal College of Nursing responds to the Prime Minister’s remarks ahead of BBC Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg interview
RCN General Secretary and Chief Executive, Professor Nicola Ranger, said: “Whether it’s the youngest or oldest in society, patient care is not at the standard it should be. And nursing staff feel professionally compromised."
Library performance
Find out how the RCN libraries, museum and archive are performing against our standards
International students: rising above the challenges
Financial pressures, social discrimination and lack of support. Discover the issues international nursing students face and where to find support
Next London Mayor must be a champion of nursing
RCN London Director, Lisa Elliott, wrote to all London Mayoral candidates asking them to take action to support the capital's nursing community.
'Better support is needed after baby loss’
After experiencing baby loss, returning to work in a related health care setting can cause additional suffering and difficulty. Not enough understanding and support is currently in place, says paediatric nurse Kim.