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RCN Scotland comment on reports National Care Service Bill to be delayed
RCN Scotland has welcomed reports that the Scottish Government will delay progress of the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill until June.
New RCN Scotland exhibition shares stories of nursing in a pandemic
The impact of working through a pandemic is being explored through the real-life experiences of nursing staff in the Royal College of Nursing Scotland’s latest exhibition – opening on 30 November 2023.
RCN Scotland responds to new UCAS data showing a drop in acceptances onto nursing programmes
New UCAS data published today [21 September] shows a 14% drop in acceptances onto nursing programmes in Scotland in the last year.
RCN members meet Minister to discuss national care service proposals
Nurses working in the community attended a roundtable meeting with Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport, to discuss the critical role nursing plays in care homes and community health services.
Pay increase for Scotland's general practice nursing staff
Nursing staff employed in general practice are to get a 6.5% pay increase. The increase is to be implemented from 1 October and backdated to 1 April 2023.
New RCN Scotland report highlights urgent need for nursing retention strategy
Scotland’s nursing workforce urgently needs a retention strategy to keep more nurses in their jobs at all stages of their career.
RCN Scotland responds to Cabinet Secretary’s statement on winter planning
Yesterday the Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care made a statement to parliament on the Scottish Government’s health and social care: winter preparedness plan, developed jointly with COSLA.
Scotland's Sheena Martin wins RCN Learning Rep of the Year at Congress 2023
An RCN member with a passion for learning has had her outstanding contribution as an RCN rep recognised in this year’s RCN awards.
Members working in social care and community health settings urged to participate in National Care Service forums
As part of the development of the National Care Service, the Scottish Government is hosting a series of regional forums over the summer to hear from people who have experience of delivering and accessing social care support.
RCN Scotland issues winter warning
RCN Scotland is warning that the extreme pressures faced by Scotland’s health and social care services are set to continue this winter.