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RCN calls for urgent investment in nursing as vacancies rise in Wales
RCN publishes new data showing a reliance on agency nursing and staff working thousands of extra hours every week.
RCN leads crucial discussion on nursing suicide prevention
Experts came together at RCN HQ to discuss the urgent issue of suicide prevention among nursing staff and launch a new toolkit to reduce suicide in the NHS workforce in England.
Crumbling concrete: nursing staff must be briefed and properly protected
RCN urges health care employers to urgently assess risk of collapsing buildings, as NHS tells hospitals in England to prepare to implement evacuation plans.
RCN signs NHS sexual safety charter
We’ve joined other health organisations in committing to a zero-tolerance approach to harmful sexual behaviour in the workplace.
RCN Awards: who will you nominate?
Every year the RCN recognises members who’ve made a difference to other members’ lives and the wider nursing profession. Now’s the time to tell us who should receive an RCN Award.
NHS pay update: staff denied lump sum in England could now get it in new funding deal
Following RCN campaigning, the UK government has announced it’ll provide funding for non-NHS organisations to give one-off payments to staff on dynamically linked Agenda for Change contracts, but clarity on eligibility and timing of payments is urgently needed.
RCN Nursing Awards: winners announced
Julie Roye, an inspirational nurse commended for transforming care in GP surgeries, has been named RCN Nurse of the Year 2023.
King’s speech: government fails to address nursing workforce crisis in last chance before election
RCN responds to government’s legislative plans for next parliamentary session, warning patient care will suffer without law to ensure safe nurse staffing in England.
Extra funding for students welcome, but more radical support needed to boost nurse numbers
Students in England can claim 50% more for placement expenses following RCN campaigning, but the union warns it doesn’t go far enough to address debt issues for future nurses.
What issues are you facing at work? Complete our survey to help us campaign for change
Low pay, understaffing, bullying, long COVID – whatever your workplace issue, we want to know about it. The more we know, the harder we can fight for you.