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Fair Pay for Nursing poster 4
A4 poster encouraging people to join the campaign and tell politicians it’s time to pay nursing staff fairly and protect patient care.
A5 members' flyer Wales
A5 flyer about the NHS pay award, encouraging members in Wales to update their details and talk about the impact of low pay.
'It’s time to pay nursing staff fairly' campaign placard
Double-sided A3 placard - carrying different 'Fair Pay for Nursing' messages on each side.
Nurse Specialist in Menopause
The menopause happens to all women, however the degree of its impact on a woman’s quality of life and the symptoms experienced are very individual. The role of a specialist in menopause was included in the 2015 NICE guidelines on managing menopause, however the detail of how this role might be implemented in practice was less clear and subsequently the British Menopause Society (BMS) produced a guide for all health care professionals. This updated publication builds on the BMS agreed standards, focusing on the options for nurses who may choose a career pathway towards becoming a specialist practitioner in menopause.
Fair Pay for Nursing poster 2
A4 poster encouraging people to join the campaign and tell politicians it’s time to pay nursing staff fairly and protect patient care.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2022.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2022.
A5 members' flyer England
A5 flyer about the NHS pay award, encouraging RCN members in England and Isle of Man to update your details and talk about the impact of low pay.
Menopause and Mental Health
The menopause is a key milestone in women’s lives. This updated resource aims to help nurses provide women with information on living well and how to positively manage the menopause.
Voices from the frontline
This document comprises freetext responses from the 2019 RCN Employment Survey, arranged by the five themes of the report.
The RCN Manifesto (Wales)
Our expectations for a new UK Government, at a time of unprecedented uncertainty and inequality, are explicit. Our Wales manifesto outlines five areas where we expect action including nursing workforce shortages, investment in services and education, immigration and pay.