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Workplace safety concerns: what can you do?
Heather was supported by RCN Law when dangerous mould in her working environment led to serious health issues. Find out what to do if you have concerns about the safety of your workplace
Do you have a nursing ancestor?
As we celebrate 100 years of nurse registration, the RCN library and archive team is offering to help you search for your nursing ancestors
Legal update: gender critical views and belief protection
A recent case addresses how belief and religion is protected under the Equality Act 2010, and how this interacts with views on gender
Breaking the mould
How a just restorative culture can transform the workplace
Safeguarding children: what you need to know
Specialist nurse Leila says child protection is everybody’s business
Legal update: (Mis)interpreting the rules
A Supreme Court ruling highlights the importance of collective bargaining through trade unions, not bypassing them
Legal update: risk assessment for invisible threats
A recent county court case emphasises the need for employers to carry out and act on risk assessments to prevent injury, says lawyer Cenric Clement-Evans, who represented the member through RCNLaw
Loneliness in later life
Paul wants to raise awareness of how loneliness can affect older people who identify as LGBT, explaining what health professionals can do to help
Managing concerns locally for better outcomes
RCN Head of Legal (Regulatory) Roz Hooper says a new NMC resource can help reps work with employers to resolve issues fairly at a local level
Legal update: Mandatory COVID-19 vaccines for care home workers in England
From 11 November, care home staff in England must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or exempt. If they’re not, employers must look at options available, including redeployment and dismissal