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The Art of Nursing: Real Partnership Through Art
Join us for the third Art of Nursing webinar to hear how artists are helping health.
Policies, Reports and Publications
Read the latest documents from the RCN Library and Heritage Centre.
Prison Nursing in our Historic Collections
This April, we’re excited to launch a new exhibition exploring the history of nursing in prisons and criminal justice settings. As part of our preparations, we recently delved into key items from our Nursing History Collection.
Find out more about our current exhibitions.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: January-March 2023.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: January-March 2023.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2020
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2020
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: October-December 2021.
Library and Archive Service quarterly report: October-December 2021.
Making the Rounds: Stories of Workhouse Nurses Told in Textiles (exhibition)
This textile art exhibition explores the lives and living conditions of workhouse nurses at the former Mitford and Launditch Union Workhouse (Gressenhall). It is based on a collaboration between Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse, museum volunteers and artist Connie Flynn.
RCN Library spotlight display: 'a history of contraceptive controversy'
Information Assistant, Rhiannon, explains her process of curating a spotlight display on the controversial history of reproductive health.
Shining a Light: A History of Nursing Support Workers: Exhibition Launch (hybrid)
Join us for the launch of our new exhibition exploring the history of nursing support work and celebrate the contribution that nursing support workers continue to make today.