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LD100 celebrations come to the East Midlands
More than 70 members of the learning disability health care community came together from across the East Midlands yesterday (10 June) to celebrate 100 years of Learning Disability (LD) nursing.
Northampton nurse wins prestigious UK award for transforming awareness of PPE waste
A nurse who slashed unnecessary PPE use by breaking pandemic working habits has won a prestigious award.
RCN Wales responds to pay deal
The Welsh Government and the joint health trade unions in Wales have announced they have reached agreement on a proposed three-year pay deal for NHS staff in Wales
RCN Wales premieres film about its safe staffing campaign success
RCN Wales took centre stage this week with the launch of ‘An Act of Compassion’, a film – published with a companion book– detailing the organisation’s success in lobbying for legislation to improve patient care.
RCN Members Have Voted to Accept a new Three Year Pay Deal
The unanimous decision by the health trade unions in Wales to accept the pay proposals from the Welsh Government follows a month-long consultation with RCN Welsh members and comes on the back of the RCN’s successful “Scrap the Cap” campaign. Sixty-six percent of members who voted in the RCN Wales consultation said “Yes” to the deal. The results were accepted by the College’s Trade Union Committee and endorsed by the RCN Welsh Board and RCN Council.
Leicester nurse becomes RCN Fellow
A pioneering nurse from Leicester has today been named a Fellow of the RCN.
Nursing Workforce in Wales 2019
Today RCN Wales has published a briefing on the state of the current nursing workforce in Wales. ‘The Nursing Workforce in Wales 2019’ provides an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the nursing workforce in the nation.
Quality Patient Care Needs the Right Staff at the Right Time says health unions
BMA Cymru Wales and RCN Wales gave evidence to the Health and Social Care Committee on an amendment to the proposed (Quality and Engagement) (Wales) Welsh Government Bill.
Parity of Esteem
There is an absolute need to equate the importance of mental health and mental health service provision with physical health and physical health service provision. We call this parity of esteem.
Free sanitary products to be offered to patients in NHS Wales
Free sanitary products to be offered to patients in NHS Wales