Wellbeing, Self Care and Resilience
Use this guide to find information resources about wellbeing, self care and resilience for nursing staff including books, reports and journal articles.
Last updated:
Key Resources
RCN: Managing stress
On these pages, you'll find resources to help manage your stress and access support. And you'll find information for managers and RCN reps who work at an organisational level to create safe and healthy workplaces.
View page
RCN advice guide: bullying and harassment
The King's Fund (2022) What is compassionate leadership?
RCN clinical topic on looking after ourselves
RCN clinical topic on physical activity
RCN clinical topic on self-care
RCN clinical topic on suicide awareness
RCN: Rest, rehydrate, refuel
The resources provide information, advice and tips about breaks at work, keeping hydrated and employers' responsibilities.
View page
Royal College of Nursing (2019) Time and space: enabling defusing activities. London: RCN.
RCN Counselling Service: Mental health and wellbeing
West M, Bailey S and Williams E (2020) The courage of compassion. Supporting nurses and midwives to deliver high quality care. London: King’s Fund.
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS): Supporting mental health at work
Health and Safety Executive: Stress and mental health at work
NHS: Mental health
Information aimed at the public.
View page
Reading Well: Books on Prescription
Helps you to understand and manage your health and wellbeing using helpful reading. The books are chosen by health experts and people living with the conditions covered.
View page
We would like to thank the RCN Counselling Service for their input into the development of this subject guide.
RCN: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) advice and guidance
RCN: Supporting your mental wellbeing
Includes advice and support for your mental wellbeing during COVID-19.
View page

Book subject searches
Use these links to see details of books the RCN libraries hold on each topic.
Journal articles
Use these links for details of journal articles on each topic.

This subject guide relates to:

Abigail Kleboe
Editor of this guide
RCN Library and Museum
Page last updated - 17/09/2024