RCN Reps
Use this guide to find information resources for RCN reps including books, reports and journal articles.
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Library benefits for RCN reps
Please mention that you are a rep when requesting the relevant service.
RCN Library and Archive services for RCN representatives

Reps are entitled to free postal loans, please be aware you are responsible for the cost of returning the books. Reps also have extended loan periods of 8 weeks, any renewals are for 4 weeks.
Library promotional resources
A4 poster which reps can print out and display in the workplace.
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Key Resources

Labour Research Department booklets on trade union and employment relations issues. RCN reps can access for free.
View page (login required) - Contact RCN Library and Heritage Centre for login details

Royal College of Nursing (2015) Healthy workplace, healthy you. London: RCN.
Nursing and Midwifery Council (2019) Raising concerns: guidance for nurses and midwives and nursing associates. (Revised edn.) London: NMC.
Nursing and Midwifery Council and General Medical Council (2015) Openness and honesty when things go wrong: the professional duty of candour. London: GMC/NMC.
Nursing and Midwifery Council and Cygnor Medyggol Cyffredinol (2015) Gweithredu mewn ffordd agored a gonest pan fydd pethau yn mynd o le: dyletswydd broffesiynol gonestrwydd. London: CMC/NMC.

Includes employment advice, guidance on redeployment, employment guidance for NHS staff and what you need to know (FAQs).
View page

Trades Union Congress (2017) Facility time: a TUC guide to defending the right to represent members. London: TUC.
Trades Union Congress (2019) Pocket guide to organising and campaigning. London: TUC.
Book subject searches
Use these links to see details of books the RCN libraries hold on each topic.
Journal articles


RCN reps can access these specialist journals from LRD Publications for free.
- Contact the Library for LRD Publications login details
Labour Research is a UK monthly that keeps you right on top of what's happening in the unions - from how they're responding to the impact of government policy on unions and working people to union initiatives on recruitment and growth.
Labour Research (LRD Publications login required) -
Workplace Report covers the latest developments in pay and conditions, best practice and news on pay deals. Its centre section provides a unique update on case law developments in two areas of employment law each month.
Workplace Report (LRD Publications login required)
RCN Reps making a difference
The value of reps: what we give
The value of reps: what we gain
The value of reps changemakers conference
The value of reps: what we give
The value of reps: what we gain
The value of reps changemakers conference
ACAS (The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service)
Information on rights at work. The ‘Advice and Guidance’ section includes an advice A-Z and ACAS Helpline for England, Scotland and Wales.
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Equality and Human Rights Commission
The Commission has responsibility for the promotion and enforcement of equality and non-discrimination laws in England, Scotland and Wales.
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Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
Labour Relations Agency (Northern Ireland)
Provides an impartial and confidential employment relations service to those engaged in industry, commerce and the public services in Northern Ireland.
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NHS Employers
Aims to keep employers up to date with the latest workforce thinking, the information on this site is also useful for reps.
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TUC150: 150 years of changing the world of work for good
The Trades Union Congress presents a set of trade union stories from the past 150 years, snapshots of trade unionists.
View page
Page last updated - 11/02/2025