Key Resources

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Fertility care provision for the UK: position statement London: RCN.
Royal College of Nursing (2020) Fertility care and emotional wellbeing. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2024) Fertility preservation. 3rd edn. London: RCN.
Royal College of Nursing (2024) Education and career progression framework for fertility nursing. 3rd edn. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2024) Clinical nurse specialist in endometriosis. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Female genital mutilation. RCN guidance for sexual health care. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Female genital mutilation: an RCN resource for nursing and midwifery practice. 5th edn. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Genital examination in women: a resource for skills development and assessment. London: RCN.
Royal College of Nursing (2020) Guidance for nurses and midwives to support those affected by domestic abuse. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2020) Modern slavery and trafficking: guidance for nurses and midwives. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2021) Multiple births midwife standard: RCN guidance for midwifery and nursing. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2024) Conscientious objection (termination of pregnancy/abortion care): position statement. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2020) RCN nursing education in termination of pregnancy services. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2024) Termination of pregnancy and abortion care: clinical guidance. London: RCN.

Royal College of Nursing (2023) Women’s health pocket guide. London: RCN.
RCN page on domestic abuse
RCN page on female genital mutilation
RCN page on modern Slavey and human trafficking
RCN page on pregnancy and disability
Nursing and Midwifery Council (2018) The Code: professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses, midwives and nursing associates, London: NMC.
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists: guidelines
We would like to thank the RCN Fertility Nursing member community for their input into the development of this subject guide.