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Critical Appraisal

Use this guide to find information resources about critical appraisal including checklists, books and journal articles.

Last updated: 11/02/2025

Key Resources

Bedford D (2018) Anatomy of a journal article.
  • This online resource explains the sections commonly used in research articles. Understanding how research articles are organised can make reading and evaluating them easier
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Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)
Centre for Evidence Based Medicine: Critical appraisal tools
  • Worksheets for appraising systematic reviews, diagnostics, prognostics and RCTs.
    View page
Cochrane: Evidence essentials
  • A free online resource for both healthcare staff and patients; four modules of 30–45 minutes provide an introduction to evidence based medicine, clinical trials and Cochrane Evidence.
    View page
JBI: Critical appraisal tools
MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow (no date) Understanding Health Research.
  • This tool will guide you through a series of questions to help you to review and interpret a published health research paper.
    View page
PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis)
  • The PRISMA flow diagram depicts the flow of information through the different phases of a literature review. It maps out the number of records identified, included and excluded, and the reasons for exclusions.
    View page
The Campbell Collaboration: Methodological Expectations of Campbell Collaboration Intervention Reviews (MECCIR)
  • A useful resource for methods and evidence in applied social science.
    View page
The Equator Network
  • A comprehensive database of reporting guidelines. Covers all the main study types.
    View page
  • A tool to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews.
    View page


Book cover Aveyard H, Sharp P, Greenway K and Parsons L (2023) A beginner’s guide to evidence-based practice in health and social care. 4th edn. London: McGraw Hill.
Book cover Aveyard H, Preston N and Farquhar M (2022) How to read and critique research: a guide for nursing and healthcare students. London: SAGE.
Book cover Bedford D (2025) Finding and using information: a guide for nursing, health and social care. Banbury: Lantern Publishing.
  • This introductory book includes chapters on evaluating sources and the structure of research articles.
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Book cover Crombie I K (2022) The pocket guide to critical appraisal. 2nd edn. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
Book cover Greenhalgh T and Dijkstra P (2025) How to read a paper: the basics of evidence based healthcare. 7th edn. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.
Book cover Gray J R and Grove S K (2021) Burns and Grove’s the practice of nursing research: appraisal, synthesis and generation of evidence. 9th edn. Philadelphia: Saunders.
Book cover Jackson D, Taylor G and Harris M (2024) Clinical evidence made easy. 2nd edn. Banbury: Scion Publishing.
Book cover LoBiondo-Wood G and Haber J (2022) Nursing research: methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice. 10th edn. St. Louis: Elsevier.
Book cover Schmidt N A and Brown J M (2025) Evidence-based practice for nurses: appraisal and application of research. 6th edn. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

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Journal articles

Buccheri RK and Sharifi C (2017) Critical appraisal tools and reporting guidelines for evidence‐based practice, Worldviews on Evidence‐Based Nursing, 14(6), pp. 463-472.
Cathala X and Moorley C (2018) How to appraise quantitative research, Evidence-Based Nursing, 21(4), pp. 99–101.
Connelly LM (2016) Trustworthiness in qualitative research. (Understanding research), MedSurg Nursing, 25 (6), pp.435-436.
Fineout-Overholt E, Melnyk BM, Stillwell SB and Williamson KM (2010) Critical appraisal of the evidence: part I. An introduction to gathering, evaluating and recording the evidence, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (7), pp.47-52.
Fineout-Overholt E, Melnyk BM, Stillwell, SB and Williamson KM (2010) Critical appraisal of the evidence: part II. Digging deeper—examining the "keeper" studies, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (9), pp. 41-48.
Fineout-Overholt E, Melnyk BM, Stillwell SB and Williamson KM (2010) Critical appraisal of the evidence: Part III. The process of synthesis: seeing similarities and differences across the body of evidence, American Journal of Nursing, 110 (11), pp. 43-51.
Heale R and Twycross A (2015) Validity and reliability in quantitative studies, Evidence-Based Nursing, 18 (3), pp.66-67.
Moorley C and Cathala X (2019) How to appraise qualitative research, Evidence-Based Nursing, 22(1), pp. 10–13.
Moorley C and Cathala X (2019) How to appraise mixed methods research, Evidence-Based Nursing, 22(2), pp. 38–41.
Myers G and Levin RF (2012) "Can you touch your toes? Using tables of evidence (TOES) to organize your evidence review", Research and Theory for Nursing Practice, 26 (4), pp.238-240.
Noble H and Smith J (2015) Issues of validity and reliability in qualitative research, Evidence-Based Nursing, 18 (2), pp.34-35
Shea BJ and others (2017) AMSTAR 2: a critical appraisal tool for systematic reviews that include randomised or non-randomised studies of healthcare interventions or both, British Medical Journal, 358, p.358.
Smith J and Noble H (2016) Reviewing the literature, Evidence-Based Nursing, 19 (1), pp. 2-3.
Smith J and Noble H (2025) Understanding sources of bias in research, Evidence-Based Nursing, March, n.104231.
Stonehouse D (2016) Evidence-based practice: knowing what's good or bad, British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, 10 (4), pp. 199-201.
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Page last updated - 11/02/2025