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Current RCN elections and appointments

RCN President and Deputy President

Nominations are now closed for the roles of RCN President and RCN Deputy President, and candidates will be announced on Monday 16 September. Find out more.

RCN Council

Nominations are now closed for all 14 directly elected seats on RCN Council, and candidates will be announced on Monday 16 September. Find out more.

Chair and Vice Chair Congress

Nominations are now closed for the roles of Chair and Vice Chair of RCN Congress, and candidates have been announced. Voting will open on Monday 2 September. Find out more.

RCN UK Representative Committees

Nominations are open for 22 seats across the three RCN UK Representative Committees, closing on Monday 16 September. Find out more.

RCN Forum Steering Committees

Applications have closed for vacancies on 31 RCN Forum Steering Committees. Interviews will take place in September. Find out more

RCN Country and Regional Boards 

Voting have closed and results have been announced for a vacancy on the London Board. Find out more.


Results of recent elections can be found here

2024 end of term elections

Elections will take place in 2024 for the following roles and seats on the following entities, for which the current terms of office are due to end on 31 December 2024. Members elected to these roles and seats will take up office on 1 January 2025:

  • RCN President and Deputy President
  • RCN Council
  • Chair and Vice Chair of Congress
  • Country and Regional Boards
  • Health and Safety Representatives Committee
  • Learning Representatives Committee
  • Stewards Committee
  • Nursing Support Workers Committee
  • Students Committee

Opportunities to get involved