Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum
The RCN's professional forum for managers and leaders from all health settings
Valuing Forums: Nurses in management and leadership

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Library subject guide
Nurses in Management and Leadership articles
Further resources
- Read the RCN Magazine's article looking at Five ways to embrace your inner leader.
- Leadership in health care services - This review from the King's Fund provides an insight into how leadership works.
- Career ideas and inspiration - Considering a role within leadership? It’s not only about having line management responsibilities; you can act as a role model by exhibiting excellent values and behaviours, inspiring others, leading on change and implementing best practice.
- Leadership skills - How to demonstrate leadership skills within your career.
The RCN Nurses in Management and Leadership Forum were pleased to host a webinar sharing how the ambulance sector have been developing their response to Sexism and Sexual Safety in the workplace. The approach is centred on listening to colleagues who have been victim to sexist and misogynistic behaviours and taking a cultural transformational approach to improvement. Bronwen Biddle, founder of Ambulance Voices and a programme lead for the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives, led the session sharing her experience and approach with the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust and in working with NHS England.
Further resources:
- Association of Ambulance Chief Executives. Reducing Misogyny and Improving Sexual Safety in the Ambulance Service.
Vinice Thomas and Ian Jackson - why WRES, why now
Equality, inclusion and diversity podcast
Sally Bassett and Kate Wells-McCulloch - critical conversations
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