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PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: The training of nurses in the UK
A briefing for all MPs ahead of a parliamentary debate on Nursing Education in England, and across the UK, September 2018.
PARLIAMENTARY: Briefing ahead of Report Stage and Third Reading of the Trade Union Bill
Parliamentary briefing ahead of Report Stage and Third Reading of the Trade Union Bill.
Workplace union representatives in the British health care sector
Briefing on the economic value of facility time in British public sector health care (PSHC).
Education Committee mental health and wellbeing of looked after children
The Royal College of Nursing welcomes the opportunity to provide a health and nursing perspective to the Education Committee inquiry into mental health and wellbeing of looked after children.
PARLIMENTARY BRIEFING: Second Reading of the Local Government and Cities Devolution Bill in the House of Commons
The bill is a generic bill which provides for the Secretary of State to be able to make orders devolving powers to individual cities or combined local authorities on a range of areas, including health and social care, and proposes directly-elected metro mayors for such areas.
RCN Submission to the Health Select Committee Primary Care Inquiry
Royal College of Nursing submission to the Health Select Committee inquiry
RCN Briefing Ahead of the Second Reading of the Immigration Bill
The RCN accepts the principle that all nurses in the UK should have an acceptable command of English in order to communicate effectively with their colleagues and patients.
PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING - Coronavirus Bill 2020
This briefing has been issued to MPs and members of the House of Lords in advance of the Westminster Government debating the emergency legislation required to support the UK to tackle the coronavirus pandemic.
PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: Compulsory First Aid Education Bill
Briefing ahead of Second Reading of the Compulsory Emergency First Aid Education (State-Funded Secondary Schools) Bill.
RCN position on the use of body worn cameras
RCN position statement on the use of body worn cameras