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Inclusive recruitment
Guidance on recruitment processes for neurodivergent healthcare professionals and their recruiters.
Amelia's story
Amelia shares the challenges she has faced as a nurse with ADHD and Dyspraxia, and her thoughts on how to be an inclusive nursing employer.
Kaynath's story
Kaynath is a student nurse and shares her experiences of training with a diagnosis of Dyslexia as well as the strengths she brings to nursing.
Avril's story
Avril has overcome many disabling barriers during her ten years nursing.
Jo's research - supporting neurodivergent students
Helen's research
Watch Helen's presentation first delivered at RCN Congress 2023.
Neurodiversity resources
View our growing library of resources for healthcare professionals with lived experience of ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ASC and other neurodiversity and those supporting them
Kirsty's story
Kirsty is autistic and she is a nurse. Hear her talk about the challenges she has faced and the strengths she brings to nursing.
Peer support for Long Covid
You're not alone - join our network of members with Long Covid, listen to members share their experiences and discover our new guidance developed with the group.
Neurodiversity celebration week