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Becoming an RCN Representative
This booklet is designed to give an understanding of the role and activities of RCN representatives. It includes information and case studies about each of the representative roles to help you consider which may suit and interest you most. You’ll find an outline of the process for applying and an application form, along with information about what you can expect as you embark on your role, including learning, development and support.
Appealing against a benefit decision
Advice and information on the process of making an appeal against a benefit decision.
Supporting children's nurses working outside of a designated ward/department
Updated 2018 guidance, designed as a checklist that can be used when considering the support, guidance, management and education framework required for children's nurses working outside of a designated ward/department.
The Best Start: The Future of Children’s Health – One Year on. Valuing school nurses and health visitors in England
In May 2017 the RCN reported on the significant decline in school nurses and an emerging trend of reductions in the health visiting workforce and included a number of recommendations addressed to the Government, local authorities and Health Education England. This short paper is focused on the position in England and therefore aims to update and build upon the issues covered in last year’s report.
Reviewing and Assessing Service Redesign and/or Change Proposals
Service redesign may be required to improve patient pathways, move care out of hospitals closer to patents’ homes, maximise efficiency or a combination of all these factors. This guidance is intended to assist those responsible for undertaking the process of reviewing and assessing proposals for service redesign and change.
RCN Council's Report to Members on Congress 2017
This report details the wide range of work, across all four countries of the UK, which has taken place as a result of the debates in Liverpool last year.
Sexual and Reproductive Health. RCN report on the impact of funding and service changes in England.
This report brings together the results of a RCN survey with nurses working in sexual and reproductive health. It provides clarification and evidence following increasing concerns reported from those working in England on the impact of service provision following the changes to commissioning after the Health and Social Care Act (2012).
Decriminalisation of Termination of Pregnancy. RCN Membership Response
In March 2018, the RCN launched a UK-wide survey of members on the principle of removing criminal sanctions from termination of pregnancy (commonly referred to as decriminalisation of abortion). The consultation focused solely on the principle of decriminalisation of termination of pregnancy. This publication outlines RCN members’ response.
RCN Forums: review of activities 2020
The role of forums is vital in contributing to the professional voice of the RCN. This publication covers forum membership and governance, and looks at forum communication channels and achievements during 2020 including conferences and events, social media activity, publication and resource development.
The RCN Group Annual Report 2020
Combined RCN Group annual report and consolidated financial accounts for year ended 31 December 2020 Comprising the RCN of the United Kingdom, its trading subsidiary RCN Publishing Limited (RCNi), RCN Holdco Limited, and the RCN Foundation.