Understanding “burnout” and the effects this has on professionals and their health and wellbeing in the working environment
04 Jun 2024, 12:45 - 13:30
Collaboration: South Yorkshire Branch
Mental Health and wellbeing have no boundaries and therefore cover all walks of life wherever you are from. Following the pandemic mental health, compassion fatigue and in particular, burnout, is more prevalent. This session aims to raise awareness, increase and acknowledge our own understanding of what burn out means for health professionals and how we cope with them.
During the session delegates will:
- raise their awareness and understanding of the importance of psychological health in the work environment
- increase their knowledge and understanding of burnout and its effects on the profession
- learn accurate definitions of compassion fatigue
- learn prevention and coping strategies
- know how to access the RCN's online resources and know how to access further information and advice.
The event is aimed at all congress attendees - students, health care support workers, nursing associates, nurses, and midwives.
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ICC Wales
Coldra Woods
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Page last updated - 05/07/2024