Migrant health guidance
Individuals who migrate to the UK from other countries will often face particular challenges in accessing health care. This resource provides information for nursing and midwifery staff to help signpost them to useful resources and where they can direct people to access health care.
If you are involved in caring for travellers from the non-UK-born population, especially those who are likely to return to their home country to visit friends and relatives (VFRs), the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities provides a comprehensive migrant health guide.
You can also find information on the GOV.UK website: Travel to visit friends and relatives: migrant health guide.
For advice and guidance for health care practitioners on the health needs of migrant patients in England, access the NHS Entitlements: Migrant Health Guide, published by The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
The Public Health England National Migrant Health Team has produced two animated videos aimed at health care professionals in England:
- Clarifying NHS entitlements for migrants (video), which consists of six short sections:
- Introduction to entitlements for migrants
- Karman’s story (case study provided by Doctors of the World)
- NHS entitlements to primary care in England
- NHS entitlements to secondary care in England
- Dental treatment for migrants in England
- Assessing new patients from overseas.
Visit the NHS Inform website to access information on health care for overseas visitors.
Public Health Scotland (PHS) TRAVAX
TRAVAX is an interactive NHS website (registration required) providing up-to-date health information for UK health care professionals. Here you can access information on how to advise the public about avoiding illness and staying healthy when travelling abroad.
Fitfortravel is a free, interactive, public-access website providing current health information for the UK public on avoiding illness and staying healthy when travelling abroad.
In 2022, the process to access travel health services in Scotland changed. FitFortravel became the national entry point for travellers seeking to access the free travel advice and vaccines provided by NHS Scotland. This applies only to travellers living in Scotland.
The Faculty of Travel Medicine (FTM)
The Faculty of Travel Medicine (FTM) at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) offers lifelong learning, which includes educational courses and examinations to support travel health professionals throughout their careers. See: FTM courses. Nurses can join the FTM as Affiliate Members and benefit from access to publications and reduced conference fees. Read our travel health resources, courses and events page.
Visit the NWSPP Wales website to find information on overseas visitors and the NHS.
Read the Health Experiences of Asylum seekers and Refugees in Wales report.
Further useful resources
- BMA. Refugee and asylum seeker patient health toolkit. This toolkit provides guidance on the specific health needs and entitlement to different types of care for patients who are refugees and asylum seekers.
- Doctors of the World safe surgeries initiative includes training and guidance and a toolkit for surgeries wishing to be involved.
- Doctors of the World animation on how to register with a GP and book a vaccine. This is also available in other languages.
- Resources for professionals caring for asylum seekers and refugees. This online resource hub is designed to provide healthcare professionals with accessible and up-to-date information on the rights and well-being of asylum seekers and refugees.
- Supporting migrants’ access to health care: toolkit for social prescribing link workers. This toolkit has been developed by the Doctors of the world safe surgeries initiative to support social prescribing link workers and migrants with practical steps and information to recognise and address healthcare barriers and how to access health care.
Page last updated - 08/10/2024