Learning disabilities
Around 1.5 million people in the UK have a learning disability.
A learning disability is defined as:
- a significant intellectual impairment
- with difficulties in meeting their own needs
- and began before the age of 18.
Some conditions are commonly associated with learning disabilities, such as Down Syndrome, autism, and cerebral palsy. However, having these conditions alone does not mean the person will also have learning disabilities and many people have learning disabilities with no known cause.
Historically, people with learning disabilities were cared for in large institutional settings and segregated from their local communities. Today, many people with learning disabilities live independently or with family, while others may live in shared/supported housing schemes or residential care. They access the same community and health services as everyone else, therefore you may meet people with learning disabilities wherever you work.
There are learning disability health services available that offer support to health and social care services and can support meeting complex needs when these are beyond what other services can offer.
Health inequalities for people with learning disabilities
People with learning disabilities can often experience multiple health and social care needs, including complex health needs. People with learning disabilities die 20-30 years younger than the rest of the population. Many people with learning disabilities experience other long-term conditions, with 46% of people experiencing 7 or more long-term conditions. 98% of people with learning disabilities have been prescribed medication, and the average number of medications a person with learning disabilities is prescribed is 6.2.
Identifying and treating the health needs of people with learning disabilities can be complicated by communication difficulties, unusual presentations of symptoms and diagnostic overshadowing. This is when one presentation overrides our ability to see beyond this. For example, a person with learning disabilities and limited verbal communication may present as hitting the side of their face.
Registered nurses in learning disabilities (RNLDs)
RNLDs are specifically trained to meet the holistic health needs of people with learning disabilities. This may be through direct intervention or facilitating other services to meet their needs.
Access our Nursing guide for supporting people with learning disabilities resource for more comprehensive information that will support you to meet the needs of people with learning disabilities.
Related to learning disabilities:
Professional lead for learning disabilities:
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