100 page turners

Angels and citizens: British women as military nurses 1854-1914
Teresa Doherty, RCN Library and Archive Services Joint Manager

How to read a paper: The basics of evidence-based medicine
Caroline Lynch, Information Literacy Specialist, RCN Library

Interpersonal relations in nursing
Stephen Tee, Interpersonal Relations in Nursing

Nightingales: The story of Florence Nightingale and her remarkable family
Mary Hutchinson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Senior Lecturer

Notes on nursing: What it is and what it is not
Andrea Childe, Learning and Development Co-ordinator RCN Scotland

Nursing the orthopaedic patient
Catherine Tranter, Paediatric Rheumatology Nurse Specialist

Person-Centred Nursing Theory and Practice
Donna Brown, Lecturer

Stories of childrens pain: Linking evidence to practice
Bernie Carter, Professor of Children’s Nursing

The philosophy and practice of psychiatric nursing
Ian Hulatt, Professional Lead for Mental Health

What makes a good nurse: Why the virtues are important for nurses
David Pontin, Aneurin Bevan Chair of Community Health
March's page turners
May's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019