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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    Consent for organ and tissue donation after death

    Publication Code : 006698

    This briefing was published to provide information to RCN members who wished to complete an RCN survey on consent for organ and tissue donation after death between January and February 2018. The results of that survey informed the RCN’s new position on consent (006 921) launched in March 2018. The detail of this briefing has not been updated since originally published, but it remains available to provide context on issues around organ and tissue donation.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    The RCN’s UK position on consent for organ and tissue donation after death

    Publication Code : 006 921

    Between January and February 2018 the RCN surveyed members on their views on consent for organ and tissue donation after death. The RCN’s Professional Nursing Committee reviewed the results of the survey in March 2018 meeting after which a decision was made, in line with member views, to change the College’s position to one of qualified support for an opt-out system of consent.

  • 27 Mar 2018

    RCN Gender Pay Gap

    Publication Code : 006 884

    A report outlining the statistics of the gender pay gap at the Royal College of Nursing.

  • 16 Mar 2018

    Becoming an RCN Representative

    Publication Code : 006747

    This booklet is designed to give an understanding of the role and activities of RCN representatives. It includes information and case studies about each of the representative roles to help you consider which may suit and interest you most. You’ll find an outline of the process for applying and an application form, along with information about what you can expect as you embark on your role, including learning, development and support.

  • 12 Mar 2018

    RCN Position Statement: Nurse Staffing for Safe and Effective Care

    Publication Code : 006878

    The RCN believes that having the right number of registered nurses and nursing support staff with the right knowledge, skills and experience in the right place at the right time is critical to the delivery of safe and effective care for patients and clients.

  • 2 Mar 2018

    Royal College of Nursing Evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body 2018-19

    Publication Code : 006821

    This document contains the RCN's evidence to the NHS Pay Review Body for the 2018-19 pay round. This submission, which is accompanied by the 2017 RCN Labour Market Review of the nursing workforce and the 2017 RCN Employment Survey, is made alongside and supports the Staff Side submission.

  • 28 Feb 2018

    RCN member briefing paper on decriminalisation of termination of pregnancy

    Publication Code : 006 797

    In 2018, the RCN launched a UK-wide survey of its members on the principle of removing criminal sanctions from termination of pregnancy. This is commonly known as decriminalisation of abortion. This briefing paper provided some background to the debate around decriminalisation and was designed to support the completion of a survey that informed our position paper, first published in December 2018 - Decriminalisation of Termination of Pregnancy Position Statement (Dec 2018).

  • 14 Feb 2018

    Left to chance

    Publication Code : 006 682

    Following two reports from the RCN last year,we asked frontline we asked frontline nursing staff how the 40,000 shortfall in health and care affects their day-to-day care of patients. With those powerful testimonies still echoing - and being added to each day – the report explains in part how England got to this point.

  • 8 Feb 2018

    Freedom of Information Follow up Report on Management of Waste in the NHS

    Publication Code : 006 683

    This follow-up report presents findings of a Freedom of Information (FOI) survey on waste management by NHS trusts in England. The survey was conducted by the RCN in spring 2017.

  • 19 Dec 2017

    Disability Passports:The RCN Peer Support Service Guide

    Publication Code : 006 598

    This guide is for employees with impairments and their line managers.