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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 5 Jan 2021

    Promoting Optimal Breastfeeding in Children’s Wards and Departments

    Publication Code : 009 470

    This guidance for good practice aims to improve the care of mothers and their infants by providing information which supports breastfeeding in neonatal units, children’s wards and other hospital departments.

  • 16 Dec 2020

    Looked After Children: Roles and Competencies of Healthcare Staff

    Publication Code : 009 486

    Over recent years there has been a significant rise in the number of looked after children across the UK, although there are variations in trends between the four UK nations. Published by the Royal College of Nursing, with the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, this publication identifies five levels of competence and gives examples of groups that fall within each of these. The competencies in the framework detail the abilities that enable staff to effectively safeguard, protect and promote the welfare, health and wellbeing of looked after children and young people, as well as care leavers.

  • 9 Dec 2020

    Caring for Children and Young People

    Publication Code : 009 405

    This updated publication is for nurses working in the independent sector and identifies key points for organising children and young people’s health care services in independent settings, which include hospitals and clinics.

  • 19 Nov 2020

    Independent Investigation into the Royal College of Nursing's 2020 Presidential Election

    Publication Code : 009 492

    A review of the RCN 2020 Presidential election by Simon Cheetham QC. This document considers the circumstances surrounding the 2020 Presidential election and whether the actions taken and decisions made were in accordance with the Trade Union & Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, the existing RCN Charter, Rules, Standing Orders, Regulations and the RCN Elections policy & procedure document and campaigning guidelines.

  • 19 Nov 2020

    Fair Care for Trans and Non-binary People

    Publication Code : 009 430

    *** RESOURCE CURRENTLY UNDER REVIEW*** This resource is designed to help nursing staff respond to the needs of service users who identify as trans or non-binary, in both the NHS and independent sectors.

  • 29 Oct 2020

    Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2020

    Publication Code : 009 349

    Library and Archive Service quarterly report: April-June 2020

  • 14 Oct 2020

    Day Surgery for Children and Young People

    Publication Code : 009 330

    This publication highlights the specific needs of children and young people undergoing day surgery, outlining pre- and post-operative aspects of care and preparation, parental involvement and facilitating discharge.

  • 8 Oct 2020

    Royal College of Nursing Submission: HM Treasury Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) Written Representation

    Publication Code : 009 409

    The Royal College of Nursing's written representation to the government's Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) in September 2020.

  • 28 Sep 2020

    Fair Pay For Nursing Representative Information Leaflet

    Publication Code : 009381

    Information for RCN representatives about the RCN Fair Pay For Nursing campaign.

  • 16 Sep 2020

    Menopause: RCN Guidance for Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors

    Publication Code : 009 326

    To provide support and advice to women it is important that health care professionals understand the changes that women face at the time of their menopause and the issues related to improving health after menopause. This updated publication aims to help health care professionals gain awareness of the menopause and the safety and efficacy of modern therapy options available. This publication is endorsed by the British Menopause Society.