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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 21 Jun 2021

    'Are You Hydrated?' poster

    Publication Code : 006704

    This poster encourages nursing staff to check their urine for signs of dehydration.

  • 4 Jun 2021

    RCN Northern Ireland Annual Review 2020

    Publication Code : 009 759

    This report outlines some of the work the RCN in Northern Ireland has been engaged in during 2020.

  • 26 May 2021

    Advanced Level Nursing Practice and Care of Pregnant and Postnatal Women

    Publication Code : 009 756

    The RCN recognises the important contribution advanced nursing practitioners and others working at advanced level make to practice in the expanding health and social care system. This guidance provides principles of good practice to clarify the role and care for pregnant and postnatal women.

  • 20 May 2021

    Blood and Body Fluid Exposures in 2020

    Publication Code : 009 687

    More than 7,500 members responded to our sharps survey in 2020. This report outlines the 2020 survey methodology and results, compares results with other databases where available, and makes recommendations on how the RCN can assist and lobby employers for safer sharps in the workplace. This research project was enabled by an educational grant from Sharpsmart UK Ltd.

  • 20 May 2021

    Embrace Your Inner Leader

    Publication Code : 009 724

    A downloadable poster offering advice on five ways to embrace your inner leader.

  • 10 May 2021

    Nursing Workforce Standards

    Publication Code : 009 681

    The RCN’s Nursing Workforce Standards have been created to explicitly set out what must happen within workplaces to ensure the delivery of safe and effective patient care.

  • 30 Apr 2021

    Clinical Imaging Requests from Non-Medically Qualified Professionals

    Publication Code : 009 108

    This guidance provides advice and good practice recommendations for employers and health care professionals involved in clinical imaging processes, regarding requests for all modalities of imaging procedures from non-medically qualified health care professionals. This has been developed in collaboration with the Society and College of Radiographers.

  • 22 Apr 2021

    RCN Forums: review of activities 2020

    Publication Code : 009 621

    The role of forums is vital in contributing to the professional voice of the RCN. This publication covers forum membership and governance, and looks at forum communication channels and achievements during 2020 including conferences and events, social media activity, publication and resource development.

  • 22 Apr 2021

    Library and Archive Service Review of the year 2020

    Publication Code : 009 623

    This review covers the work of the RCN’s Library and Archive Service during 2020 – from events and exhibitions to social media activity and collections development, it showcases the wide variety of work undertaken by our library teams during the pandemic.

  • 22 Apr 2021

    Skin Disease Competency Framework

    Publication Code : 009 249

    This competency framework describes the range of knowledge, skills and performance levels required of a ‘responsible person’ working within their specialty to help them achieve safe, effective and accountable practice around the issue of skin health and work-related dermatitis.