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Learning resources 

For the nursing support workforce

Discover what RCN learning resources are available to you

From health care support workers and assistant practitioners to maternity support workers, the RCN is committed to supporting you with effective resources to strengthen learning and development in your role.

Join the RCN

HCAs, HCSWs, SNAs, NAs, APs and many more can join the RCN.

RCN Learn

Bringing you the latest, quality assured nursing, health and social care learning resources from the RCN and RCNi.

RCN Library

The RCN Library is Europe’s largest nursing-specific library and e-library. Find out how to make the most of its resources.

First Steps for HCAs

Access our popular online learning tool, helping you to get started in your career or refresh your knowledge.

RCN Events

Events are a valuable way to add to your CPD and professional network. Come along to online events or in-person in your region.

RCN Magazine

Stay up to date on with clinical, advice, wellbeing, career and other features relevant to your role with RCN Magazine.
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RCN Professional Services

Discover programmes to suit you including CPD courses with academic credits and Introduction to Leadership. 

Confidence to learn

Build your confidence to learn with recommended resources and funding options.


RCN Foundation

The RCN Foundation offer a range of education and professional development funding including for health care support workers, and could support you with funding.

Free literacy, numeracy and digital resources:

Open Learn: free learning from the Open University

Union Learn: English, maths and digital skills

Think Online Training: Functional maths training

National Numeracy: Improve your maths

Funding your CPD

3 steps to help you get started in funding your continuing professional development (CPD):

  1. Contact your line manager to discuss CPD and training options as part of your learning and development plan.
  2. Research available courses, costs and learning outcomes.
  3. Share a proposal with your employer, including funding opportunities.