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Royal College of Nursing King’s Nursing Cadets promotional banner featuring a bold blue background with abstract geometric elements and a distinctive emblem.

RCN King's Nursing Cadets

Take the first step toward a career in nursing 

Gain the skills and knowledge to pursue a career in nursing with confidence.

Supported by HRH King Charles III, our King’s Nursing Cadets programme helps young people develop their skills and support them towards a career in nursing.

Our programme runs at selected locations across Wales, England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. If you’re aged between 16 and 25 and are passionate about caring for people in need, get in touch today.

Get in touch

What you'll gain

  • 20 hours of observational clinical experience, watching nursing staff in action
  • An understanding of how to pursue a role in nursing
  • A certificate you can share with potential employers to help you stand out from the crowd
  • The opportunity to meet other young people interested in caring for people with health needs
  • The chance to become an ambassador and inspire future cadets
Cadets sitting together waving their workbooks

How it works 

Step 1

Get in touch 

Let us know you’re interested using the contact form below. If you're aged between 16 and 25 and would like to explore nursing as a potential career, we'd love to hear from you.

Step 2

We'll match you with a local partner

We work with education providers, youth organisations and health providers to create rewarding opportunities. We'll help you get set up with all the materials and guidance you'll need.

Step 3

Complete the programme alongside other learning or work commitments

The programme usually takes 55 hours to complete. Our selected education or youth partner delivers approximately 35 hours of training. Our selected health partner provides 20 hours of observational experience, watching nursing staff in action on a ward, or similar.

Step 4

Receive your certificate and celebrate!

When you’ve finished the programme, you’ll get a certificate, module transcript and a special alumni pin.  We'll also send you our quarterly newsletter and you'll have the opportunity become an ambassador. If you complete your course in Wales, you’ll also be guaranteed an interview for a Healthcare Support Worker role. 

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Cadet profiles

Read first-hand stories from young people who have undertaken the cadet programme.

Hear from RCN nursing cadets about their experiences on the programme and how it has helped them move onto the next stage of their lives.

Image of Grace Knott smiling

Luke's story 

Luke used our programme as a stepping-stone to a rewarding new job in mental health nursing. He's also a cadet ambassador, inspiring young people like him to take the first step in their nursing career.

Learn more about Luke's journey in our video.

Get in touch 

We want to hear from you, whether you’re a young person interested in taking part in the programme, a parent or a prospective programme partner. Submit your details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. 

By submitting this form, you are giving the RCN permission to contact you about your submission.

You can control the information you receive from the RCN by updating your preferences at MyRCN.

The information you provide in this form will be stored by the RCN.

Protecting your privacy is very important to us. Please view our privacy policy to find out more about the information we collect and how it is used.

Two cadets working together in a clinical setting.

I was shown how to administer medication and take blood sugar levels. It was so eye-opening. Thank you for getting me onto the placement.

Katie, from Devon RCN Prince of Wales Nursing Cadet

Partner opportunities

We partner with three types of organisation. Each partner supports up to 20 nursing cadets. If you’d like your organisation to be part of this rewarding programme, get in touch using the contact form.

These partners support the programme by offering grant funding. This allows repeat cohorts or new cohorts in geographical areas, improving local workforce pipelines or dovetailing apprenticeships schemes.

These may be educational establishments, or uniformed or non-uniformed youth volunteer organisations for young people aged between 16 and 25. They are responsibly for safeguarding cadets and supporting their journey, as well as designing and delivering the learning modules ensuring cadets are ready for their placement.

Health partners ensure cadets receive an authentic work experience. They provide 20 hours of observational clinical experience and support the placement learning outcomes. Sometimes, health partners deliver learning to cadets to support the youth partners and enhance the cadets’ experience.

What people are saying about the programme

5 blog posts

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