Get involved in our governance
You can help shape our governance and make us the best College we can be.
The voices and experience of our members play an essential part in our governance. You help us set our strategy, hold ourselves accountable, celebrate the achievements of other members and so much more.
Whether it's putting yourself forward for a committee or board, voting in an election or nominating another member for an award, there's a way for everybody to get involved.
What is governance?
Governance is the system of rules, practices and processes used to direct and control our organisation. Governance tells us who can make decisions, who has the authority to act on behalf of our organisation and who is accountable for how we behave and perform.
Elections and appointments
Get more involved by putting yourself forward as a candidate for Council, a board, a committee or a forum. You can also make your voice heard by voting in our current elections.

Congress is an opportunity for all our members to come together and get involved. Find out how you can submit an agenda item, vote on a resolution or have your say in a debate.

Help us recognise and reward the hard work and dedication of other members by nominating them for an RCN award.

Put forward an agenda item for Council
Members can submit an agenda item for Council to discuss at one of their meetings. If your submission is accepted, you can present it to Council during the meeting, either remotely or in person.

Create or sign a general meeting petition
We're committed to working collaboratively with our members. All members can create or sign a digital petition calling for an extraordinary general meeting or add a resolution to an upcoming general meeting.

Consultations are an opportunity to share your views with the Government or other decision makers. You can respond to public consultations directly as an individual or add your voice to official RCN responses.

Campaign with us
Governance isn't the only way to get involved. You can also make a difference by joining our campaigns for Fair Pay, Safe Staffing and more.