Race Equality Action Plan: An Anti-racist Wales
01 Jan 0001 00:00
The Welsh Government
The Welsh Government would like your views on Race Equality Action Plan: An Anti-racist Wales.
Below are a few questions that may guide your responses:
- Does the vision, purpose, values and the imagined future to 2030 reflect what you would like to see achieved by 2030? What may get in the way to realise the vision and values? What may help to realise the vision and values?
- Are there any goals and actions that you can think of that are missing? Who should deliver on them and what actions would help to deliver them?
- What are the key challenges that could stop the goals and actions achieving anti-racism by 2025?
- What resources (this could include funding, staff time, training, access to support or advocacy services among other things) do you think will be necessary in achieving the goals and actions outlined?
Further information can also be found on The Welsh Government website here
Please send feedback and comments by 5pm on Thursday, 1st July 2021 via email to Policy, Parliamentary and Public Affairs Team here
Page last updated - 13/12/2021