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HEIW Medicines Administration Units Consultation

Status: CLOSED
Published: 08 Jul 2021 01:00

The HEIW would like your views on Medicines Administration Units Consultation.

Rationale for the Consultation

Medicines Administration Units need to address the range of support worker involvement in Medicines Management in hospital and community settings. The suite of units provides a standard that aligns with the All Wales Guidance for Health Boards, Trusts and Social Care in respect of Medicines and Care Support Workers across NHS Wales.

Objectives of the Consultation

  • Review and confirm the content and range of the new suite of medicines management units, to include the structure, content and supporting information
  • Identify if there are any other areas that need to be developed, such as Administration of Medicines via a nasogastric tube.
  • To establish if the suite can apply equally to adults and children
  • To establish if a numeracy assessment should be a requirement

Further information can be found on The Health Education and Improvement Wales website Medicines Administration Units Consultation - HEIW ( 

Please send feedback and comments by 5pm on Wednesday 18 August 2021 via email to Policy, Parliamentary and Public Affairs Team Policy&



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