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RCN Research Project - Repayment Clauses

Participant Factsheet

Status: CLOSED
Published: 04 Jul 2023 01:00
Source: Royal College of Nursing

The RCN is concerned by reports from some internationally educated members that their employment contracts contain unfair repayment clauses. These clauses may be used to pressure staff to stay in exploitative working conditions.

We have heard some members have been asked to repay fees as high as £14,000 when trying to leave their employment contract early. Members have reported that employers have made threats of deportation and referrals to the NMC to try to force them into paying these fees.

The RCN would like to talk to members who have experienced these types of practices from their employer.

Our research aims to gather an evidence base so we can continue to raise this issue with UK governments. We also want to understand the issue in greater detail so we can best support members. This is why your involvement is so important.

We require participants to take part in a research project and want to hear from nurses with a range of backgrounds:

  • You are an internationally educated nurse from outside the UK.
  • You have had difficulties with their employer over repayment fees.
  • You may have arrived to the UK recently or you may have been here for a few years.
  • You may have many years of experience or you may be newly qualified.
  • You may have come to the UK by yourself or with your family.
  • Your issue may have been resolved or may still be active.

What is the aim of the research?

The intended output of this research will be a report highlighting the experiences you and others have had. The details of participants will be anonymised in the report (personal information such as names and employers will not be included). The RCN has been looking into this issue and has collected data to support evidence on the scale of this issue.

Your story will help bring life to this report by showing how the behaviour of employers has a real-life impact on the wellbeing of nurses. We also want to hear about the support you received from RCN and if there was anything further we could have done.

What is involved?

  • A telephone or video call, at a time suitable for you.
  • Just 45 minutes of your time.
  • A chance to tell your story.
  • Complete anonymity. Your name and identity will be protected.

I want to participate!

If you are interested in participating, please contact before 14 August 2023.

Your contact information will be passed to RCN’s Research team. A member of the team will contact you to arrange a good time to speak.

Page last updated - 12/01/2024