NICE Draft Scope Consultation - Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management (Nov 2016 accelerated update)
The draft scope for the NICE guideline on Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management (Nov 2016 accelerated update) is now out for consultation.
This guideline will:
- update the NICE guideline on Prostate cancer: diagnosis and management (CG175).
- be used to update the NICE quality standard for prostate cancer
NICE are also recruiting people with a practitioner, care provider or commissioner background and lay members (people using services, family members and carers, and members of the public and community or voluntary sector) to join the Committee for this guideline. You can find more information on the NICE Committee recruitment page.
For further information or to provide feedback, please contact Caroline Rapu.
For further information or to provide feedback, please contact Caroline Rapu.
Page last updated - 28/06/2018