National Minimum Standards for Medication Review
This document sets out the proposed minimum standards for medication reviews that are delivered in a range of settings in Wales. Medication reviews can be carried out by a range of healthcare professionals, and can often vary in their quality and effectiveness. These standards have been developed to facilitate face-to-face reviews in any setting, and aim to ensure a consistent, high-quality approach that can be tailored to the patient.
The All Wales Medicines Strategy Group's (AWMSG) main functions are to:
• Advise the Welsh Government of future developments in healthcare to assist in its strategic planning.
• Advise the Welsh Government on the development and implementation of a prescribing strategy for Wales.
• Develop timely, independent and authoritative advice on new medicines.
Please find the consultation document and the associated documents on the AWMSG website
Please send feedback and comments by 5pm on Friday, 10 July 2020 via email to
Page last updated - 21/12/2020