Consultation on Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and Competencies
The Royal College of Nursing has been asked by NHS England to lead the development of an intercollegiate competency framework for healthcare staff to support adult safeguarding. There has been excellent intercollegiate and partner engagement in developing the competencies which will be published summer 2018.
The framework document, Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and competencies, will support the workforce in the delivery of high quality safeguarding and will align to the competencies currently in use for safeguarding children and young people. This document is intended to have relevance to all healthcare professions and social care colleagues. It is designed to be used in all organisations that care for adults regardless of sector, setting or size.
You are invited to view the draft Safeguarding for Adults: Roles and competencies document and use this feedback form to submit any comments you might have about the draft document. Please send your completed form or any queries you might have to Nicola Mills. The closing date for feedback is 5pm, Tuesday 26 June 2018.
Page last updated - 26/07/2018