Our strategy and how we represent our forum members
How we represent forum members
- Representing the RCN at external events and meetings such as All Party Parliamentary Meetings, national strategic meetings, and the International Confederation of Midwives annual meetings and European meetings.
- Contributing to national and global consultations including NICE consultations on guideline development.
- Contributing to RCN publications.
- Attending and participating in RCN Congress.
Our strategy
- Providing an effective committee. The committee is in regular contact via email and teleconference.
- Ensuring the RCN and the Midwifery Forum members are kept up to date on progress with reports.
- Maintaining a visible presence on the RCN website and blogging on issues relating to midwifery.
- Horizon scanning for projects and initiatives that the Midwifery Forum can undertake or support in order to promote midwifery.
Page last updated - 03/08/2019