History of Nursing Forum
Preserving and sharing nursing history
The History of Nursing Forum works closely with the RCN to publish articles in the RCN magazines. You can browse and access these articles.
There are articles on a range of topics including the history of learning disability nursing, men in nursing, racism in nursing, infection control and witches. We regularly put forward ‘behind the scenes’ articles on our Forum activities, such as our exhibitions and events.
We want to showcase more history of nursing activities from across the UK, whether you’re working on local nursing history, a particular nursing event or your family history.
The articles are usually written with our Communications Team, often in an ‘in conversation’ style. We’re interested in work in progress as well as completed projects.
If you have a history of nursing topic you are passionate about and want to share with other RCN members, please email us at honf@rcn.org.uk popping ‘Bulletin Article Suggestion’ in the header.
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Volunteer opportunity: HIVstory
Upcoming history of nursing conferences, workshops and study days
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Nursing History articles
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