Care Home Network
A network for all RCN members with an interest working in care homes
Why join the Care Home Network
The Care Home Network provides RCN Members with a supportive environment to share best practice, offer solutions and help improve care in nursing homes. It is open to RCN members who provide nursing care in homes for the entire age range, across all clinical needs.
Benefits of joining the Care Home Network
- Access to relevant RCN resources
- Communication with colleagues within your speciality
- Peer support
- An opportunity to share good practice and improve nursing care
- A platform to express and shape the work of the RCN
Key resources
Most of the resources on our website are relevant to members either working or interested in working in care homes. This includes many of our advice guides and subject guides, as well as the clinical information on RCN Learn.

Join the Care Home Network
Join this network by logging in through your MyRCN account and get involved today.
Join our Facebook group
The RCN Care Home Network Facebook group is a space for you to get involved in open discussions with colleagues on the issues that affect you in Care Homes.

Tell your story. Help transform nursing by sharing experiences and provide evidence to helps us be the advocate for change.