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RCN briefings

Policy briefings, parliamentary briefings and consultation responses on the issues that matter to nursing staff

The RCN works with government, think tanks and other stakeholders to ensure the voice of nursing is heard. You can get involved in policy development by taking part in surveys, workshops, seminars and briefings.

  • 27 Apr 2010

    New Foundations: the future of NHS trust providers

    In February 2010 the Royal College of Nursing surveyed members in England working in NHS foundation trusts. The aim was to build a snapshot picture of our members’ opinions about their trusts to help us understand how foundation trusts are performing in the following areas: engaging with patients, local communities and staff to design services and shape strategy: using their greater independence; and helping nurses to deliver the highest quality of care. This briefing contains the results of this survey.

  • 27 Apr 2010

    Review of Early Warning Systems in the NHS

    The National Quality Board in England has produced a report which sets out the Early Warning System in the NHS in England. This briefing provides an overview of the system.

  • 26 Apr 2010

    Competition in the NHS in England

    This policy briefing provides an update on key Department of Health guidance which affects competition in the NHS in England.

  • 26 Apr 2010

    Care homes under pressure

    The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) care homes survey 2010 was undertaken to get a snapshot view of the current situation in England’s care homes sector, specifically focusing on capacity, workforce, meeting resident’s needs and quality of care. We surveyed registered nurses and health care assistants. Results show that complex care needs of residents are increasing. The staffing levels in these homes are unable to respond efficiently to meet resident needs. This policy report outlines the results of the RCN 2010 care homes survey and identifies policy responses on improving care outcomes.

  • 21 Apr 2010

    Social care reform in England

    On the 30 March 2010, the White Paper Building the National Care Service (NCS) was unveiled. Described as ‘an historic reform’, the White Paper is the Government’s blueprint for fundamental reform of the social care system in England to build a comprehensive NCS, free at the point of use. It follows the consultation Green Paper Shaping the Future of Care Together. In recent years, the issue of social care reform has gathered momentum and a clear consensus has emerged that reform is both necessary and urgent. Nursing has a critical relationship with social care, in delivering frontline care and providing healthcare for unmet social care needs, and social care reform is crucial for high quality care provision. However, in light of the current changing political, and challenging economic context the future of the White Paper is uncertain, and so too its vision. This briefing provides an overview of the case for reform of and recent developments in the social care system in England and, examines the key points of the White Paper.

  • 16 Apr 2010

    The legal and policy issues for a PCT in England to have a nurse at board level and consideration of board nurse competencies

    On the 21 February the white paper on professional regulation was published, Trust, Assurance and Safety - the Regulation of Health Professionals in the 21st Century. The white paper will affect how nurses are regulated in the future.

  • 16 Apr 2010

    The cooperation and competition panel in England - One year on

    The Cooperation and Competition Panel (CCP) was established in January 2009 as an independent agency to provide advice to the Department of Health in England, Monitor and Strategy Health Authorities on issues arising from the Government’s policies of choice, co operation and competition. The panel is now a year old and has reflected on it’s work over the last year based upon the CCPs own report of it’s performance. This briefing provides a brief review of the work of the panel.

  • 4 Mar 2010

    Payment by Results: Update and discussion paper

    Discussion paper covering developments in PbR. Guest contributors include Jon Sussex, Deputy Director of the Office of Health Economics, and Paul Linsey, a senior mental health practitioner.

  • 4 Mar 2010

    The independent sector in health and social care in England in 2009 and prospects for the future

    This briefing provides an overview of the diverse non-NHS sector that is playing an increasingly important role in shaping and delivering health and social care in England. It provides a definition of the sector; basic facts about the range and extent of IS activity in health and social care in England; and a look forward at the sector and the implications for patients and nursing.

  • 19 Nov 2009

    Nursing and the Economic Downturn

    A roundtable discussion on Nursing and the economic downturn was held on 25 August 2009 at RCN headquarters in London. An invitation only meeting, it brought together prominent figures in nursing together with leading external thinkers and influencers who ordinarily have relatively little direct involvement in developing nursing policy. The roundtable was held in order to explore issues further regarding the creation of a Commission on the Future of Nursing and Midwifery in England, which was announced on 17 March by the Prime Minister.