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RCN briefings

Policy briefings, parliamentary briefings and consultation responses on the issues that matter to nursing staff

The RCN works with government, think tanks and other stakeholders to ensure the voice of nursing is heard. You can get involved in policy development by taking part in surveys, workshops, seminars and briefings.

  • 24 Jul 2012

    Personal health records and information management

    This briefing summarises the RCN vision for personal health information management, how ICT can support this vision and what needs to be done to overcome barriers to achieve the changes required. It is intended to inform all aspects of records development, record standards development and nursing educational programmes.

  • 9 Jul 2012

    RCN factsheet on nurse prescribing in the UK

    Updated December 2014. Over the years, the RCN’s Policy and International Department has received a lot of interest from national nurses’ associations to find out more about nurse prescribing in the UK and the evidence to support it. This fact sheet discusses statistics, education, training and regulation, and evidence of improvements in access, patient safety and patient-centred care that continue to strengthen the foundations underpinning the success of this practice.

  • 6 Jun 2012

    The community nursing workforce in England

    In the last decade parallel goals for financial efficiency in the NHS and for care pathways which deliver the best outcomes for patients have aligned to ensure a consistent policy objective to move care out of acute (hospital) settings and into people's homes and communities.

  • 6 Jun 2012

    Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) in England

    Quality Innovation Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) in England is a national programme to deliver quality, innovation, productivity and prevention in the NHS. This briefing provides details on the programme and asks for more transparency so that the public, patients and staff can know what QIPP means for them, and to reassure them that it is not just focusing on short terms cuts but will deliver against all four of the areas covered in the QIPP title.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    Mandatory nurse staffing levels

    The attached briefing produced by the RCN Policy and International Department sets out the case for moving to a system of mandated staffing levels. The RCN believes that the development of safe mandatory nurse to patient ratios is crucial to the future of the NHS, and that improved patient outcomes will not be delivered without them.

  • 20 Mar 2012

    Health inequalities and the social determinants of health

    Health outcomes such as life expectancy continue to improve in the UK thanks to improved social, medical and healthcare conditions. However these improvements mask a widening gap between the health outcomes of the wealthiest and the most deprived communities.

  • 12 Mar 2012

    Health and social care services regulation in England

    RCN’s policy work on system regulation starts from a recognising that the health care system must have appropriate checks and balances to prevent harm and support high quality care for patients.

  • 12 Mar 2012

    Alcohol policies to reduce alcohol-related harm in England

    RCN’s prevention work is underpinned by the principle that we should empower individuals with the information they need to understand the impact of alcohol misuse and make healthier lifestyle choices.

  • 25 Jan 2012

    Paying for Quality

    Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) is a contract which aims to pay for quality. This briefing tells you more about this initiative in England and sets out some principles to help guide views on what makes a ‘good’ CQUIN.

  • 5 Oct 2011

    Personal health budgets

    This paper seeks to provide a broad overview of personal health budgets (PHBs) including what they are and what they aim to do, the findings of the current pilots, key issues for the RCN and the RCN’s position.