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RCN briefings

Policy briefings, parliamentary briefings and consultation responses on the issues that matter to nursing staff

The RCN works with government, think tanks and other stakeholders to ensure the voice of nursing is heard. You can get involved in policy development by taking part in surveys, workshops, seminars and briefings.

  • 12 Nov 2013

    Policy seminar – Integration

    The RCN hosted a policy seminar on 24 September 2013 attended by a number of executive nurses and directors of nursing (held under the Chatham House rule), to discuss the facilitators and barriers to creating an integrated health and social care system, and to share some international examples of integrated care to inform the debate. This briefing provides an overview of the seminar discussion.

  • 2 Sep 2013

    Sweden’s experience with shifting care out of hospitals

    This RCN briefing expands on the Swedish experience with moving care closer to patient’s home and the integration agenda. It specifically outlines the integration models in Jönköping and Norrtälje, and offers some learning opportunities for England. This briefing also complements the RCN’s larger piece of work on Moving care to the community: an international perspective.

  • 28 Aug 2013

    Briefing on the Trust Special Administration’s draft report for the future of services for local people using Stafford and Cannock Chase

    This RCN briefing describes the proposals in Trust Special Administration's draft report for the future of services for local people using Stafford and Channock Chase hospitals. consultation document.

  • 13 Aug 2013

    The Keogh Review and special measures

    This is a short factual RCN briefing on the Keogh Review report and to provide factual information on the special measures being applied to the 11 NHS trusts named by the Secretary of State for Health on 16 July 2013 (Hunt, 2013).

  • 29 Jul 2013

    Consultation on migrant access and financial contribution to the NHS in England

    This RCN briefing outlines and seeks member views on the Department of Health consultation “Migrant access to the NHS”. The consultation asks who should be charged for NHS services in future, what services they should be charged for and how can the system improve in identifying patients who should be charged.

  • 15 Jul 2013

    Trialogue agreement on professional qualifications directive

    Agreement has now been reached between the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and the European Commission on balancing the level of general education required for accessing nurse education with clearer outcome measures for nurse education.

  • 13 Jun 2013

    Making it work

    Shared decision-making with people with learning disabilities will bring health care professionals and nurses in particular, into a process in which both parties jointly decide on health care treatments, management plans and support packages, based on the best available evidence and the informed choices of people with learning disabilities.

  • 6 Jun 2013

    Help inform our response to monitor: Guidance on procurement, patient choice and competition in England

    This briefing gives an overview of a suite of consultations from Monitor including guidance for commissioners on when to use competition. Monitor, as the new sector regulator for the NHS in England has particular responsibilities in enforcing new regulations on procurement, patient choice and competition ('Section 75' regulations). We want to hear from you about whether you think that the guidance is clear, whether it provides sufficient reassurance that patients will be at the heart of decisions to use competition or not, and whether services risk becoming fragmented. Please contact by 21 June 2013 to feed into the RCN's response.

  • 15 May 2013

    NHS complaints review

    This briefing provides an overview to the review of the NHS complaints system in England being undertaken, following the publication of the Francis Report and in response to the publicised experiences of Ann Clwyd MP during her husband’s final days as a patient at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff in October 2012.

  • 1 May 2013

    Monitor and the NHS provider license

    This briefing sets out details on the provider license introduced in April 2013 for Foundation Trusts and issued by Monitor as part of their responsibilities as a sector regulator. The license will also apply to other providers of NHS services from 2014.