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RCN briefings

Policy briefings, parliamentary briefings and consultation responses on the issues that matter to nursing staff

The RCN works with government, think tanks and other stakeholders to ensure the voice of nursing is heard. You can get involved in policy development by taking part in surveys, workshops, seminars and briefings.

  • 17 Jun 2014

    District and Community Nursing Services in England - A Call to Action

    The RCN has issued a call to action for district and community nursing services in England. We hope this call to action will inspire health service leaders and commissioners to invest now, in order to secure the future of district and community nursing services.

  • 16 Jun 2014

    Integrated health and social care

    This briefing paper is part of a series of RCN documents examining the policies and practical arrangements surrounding the integration of health and social care. The paper offers an overview of the current call for integrated health and social care services in England, the rationale behind the push for integration, the facilitators and barriers to this way of working, and the related workforce and funding issues. The paper highlights some of the major issues the RCN sees as imperative for future discussions.

  • 16 Jun 2014

    Draft revised NMC code and proposed approach to revalidation

    The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) are currently consulting for the second time on plans for a model for revalidation. This consultation includes a new draft NMC Code, as current proposals will require nurses and midwives to revalidate against the criteria set out in the professional Code. The RCN has produced this briefing to inform members about the changes and additions which the NMC are proposing to make to the Code; as well as the additional details on the proposed model for revalidation.

  • 16 Jun 2014

    The nursing role in integrated care models

    There is growing recognition that integrated care can improve the quality of care that individuals receive and make the best and most efficient use of limited resources.This briefing informs ongoing policy debate, facilitates international learning, and highlights the nursing contribution – a distinction less commonly made.

  • 3 Jun 2014

    RCN factsheet

    This briefing provides an overview of the role of clinical senates and strategic clinical networks as well as providing advice on how RCN members can get involved.

  • 27 May 2014

    Tobacco Products Directive

    The Tobacco Products Directive came into force on 19 May 2014 and must be transposed into national legislation by May 2016. This briefing sets out the final changes agreed at EU level in relation to health warnings on tobacco products, packaging, flavouring, new measures to combat smuggling of tobacco and e-cigarettes. The RCN has been working closely with its European and national alliances to influence the content of the directive and will continue to lobby on issues that promote healthier lifestyles, (particularly in the early years).

  • 25 Mar 2014

    Social care in England: A guide for nursing staff

    This summary paper provides a brief overview of the current state of play regarding social care provision in England including: the current system and its problems; changes consequent from the Health and Social Care Act 2012; recent proposals for reforming the system and RCN policy positions in relation to some of the proposed changes.

  • 5 Mar 2014

    CONSULTATION RESPONSE: Consultation on the time limits for completion of education across all NMC education standards

    The RCN has responded to the Nursing and Midwifery Council's consultation on proposals to amend its standards for the training of nurses and midwives by removing the current mandatory maximum time limits allowed for the completion of pre and post-registration programmes, to allow for unforeseen interruptions.

  • 1 Mar 2014

    POLICY: RCN in Scotland - Principles for delivering the integration of care

    The RCN Scotland’s position on delivering integrated care in Scotland

  • 7 Feb 2014

    New fundamental standards in England

    The Department of Health are consulting on new legislation that will underpin the work of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England. They are proposing new fundamental standards of care as recommended by the Francis Inquiry. This briefing provides more details on the proposed fundamental standards and asks for your views on them.