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RCN briefings

Policy briefings, parliamentary briefings and consultation responses on the issues that matter to nursing staff

The RCN works with government, think tanks and other stakeholders to ensure the voice of nursing is heard. You can get involved in policy development by taking part in surveys, workshops, seminars and briefings.

  • 2 Mar 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY EVIDENCE RCN Scotland evidence to health and Sport Committee on proposed extension of HIS powers

    In this evidence to the Health and Sport committee on the proposal to give Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) the power to direct health boards to close wards to new admissions, RCN Scotland sets out some of the issues arising from the proposal to increase HIS’s powers. These include the scope of any new power, the process that HIS will use to enact any new power to close a ward, and how failures in governance within the relevant authority with responsibility for the ward will be addressed.

  • 2 Mar 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: Stage 3 debate Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and care) (Scotland) Bill

    RCN Scotland supports the introduction of a ‘Duty of Candour’, however, we still have very serious reservations around the offence of ill-treatment and wilful neglect. We accept, however, that the offence will be created and look forward to the discussions around the type of education, training and support that health and care professionals receive.

  • 2 Mar 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING Health debate 2 March 2016

    Health and care services are creaking at the seams and while the need to shift care from hospitals to the community is acknowledged, little action appears to have been taken. Difficult decisions need to be taken the community care vision is to become a reality. Different ways of delivering services are needed, as is investment in nursing and other staff to ensure the NHS is put on a sustainable footing for the future whilst meeting the vision for care at home.

  • 26 Feb 2016

    BRIEFING: RCN Scotland contribution to the Chief Nursing Officer review of district nursing

    RCN Scotland contribution to the Chief Nursing Officer and Scottish Executive Nurse Directors review of district nursing.

  • 23 Feb 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: Stage 3 Debate: Budget (Scotland)(no.5) Bill

    At a time when budgets and resources are stretched, and ever increasing demands are being placed upon Scotland’s health care services, it is imperative that funding decisions are taken in a wholly transparent manner, and that their success can be scrutinised in a meaningful way. We also need to see investment in prevention to demonstrate the Scottish Government’s seriousness about moving care out into the community. We are also calling for a new approach to by the end of 2016 to help our health care services to be sustainable in the future.

  • 17 Feb 2016

    A Positive Choice: everyday stories of nursing excellence in older people's care

    Eight stories celebrating the expertise, knowledge and compassion of the nursing staff who care for our older people.

  • 9 Feb 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING: Stage 1 debate: Transplantation (Authorisation of Removal of Organs etc.) (Scotland) Bill

    At this time, RCN Scotland does not favour a legislative change to an opt-out system for organ or tissue donation. RCN Scotland continues to support the NHS Blood and Transplant’s focus on ‘changing public behaviour with regard to organ donation’ and ‘maximising conversion of potential donors into actual donors’ by means other than adoption of an opt-out approach to consent.

  • 3 Feb 2016

    PARLIAMENTARY BRIEFING Stage 1 Debate: Budget (Scotland)(no.5) Bill

    At a time when budgets and resources are stretched, and ever-increasing demands are being placed on Scotland’s health care services, it is imperative that funding decisions are taken in a wholly transparent manner, and that their success can be scrutinised in a meaningful way. Over a number of years the RCN has raised concerns that the presentation of the Scottish budget has not allowed us to assess how investment decisions relate to national policy or outcome priorities. If we continue to deliver care in the same way we do now, we know the demands on our health care services will outstrip our ability to pay for them. Tough decisions on what to invest in or disinvest from will need to be made, in partnership with the public, with staff and across all political parties.

  • 29 Jan 2016

    National Dementia Dialogue 2015

    RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Government consultation on the national dementia dialogue 2015

  • 29 Jan 2016

    POLICY: Community mental health team activity data dataset

    The RCN Scotland response to the Information Services Division (ISD) consultation on the community mental health team activity data dataset