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POLICY: The Scottish Draft Budget 2016-2017 - health

10 November 2015
The RCN Scotland response to the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee call for evidence on the Scottish Government Draft Budget 2016-17
Over a number of years the RCN has raised concerns to the committee that the presentation of the Scottish budget has not allowed us to assess how investment decisions relate to national policy or outcome priorities. Nor does the process allow us to assess the success of spending decisions in meeting stated outcomes. This submission urged the Scottish Government to take a new approach by making clearer the rationale for all decisions to allocate scarce resource.
If you have any comments or would like to find out more information then please contact the RCN Scotland Policy team by emailing them at or by filling in the attached feedback form and sending it to Policy, RCN Scotland, 42 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH

Page last updated - 27/07/2018