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POLICY: Clinical governance and integration guide

02 December 2015
Highlighting things to look for and questions to raise to ensure there are robust clinical and care governance arrangements in place across health and social care integration.
This document is primarily designed for nurses who are professional members of integration joint boards (IJBs), to highlight things to look for and questions to raise to ensure there are robust clinical and care governance arrangements in place across health and social care integration. However it may be useful for nurses in other roles to help think about what needs to be in place to embed clinical and care governance across integrated services.

The role of the professional nurse member on the IJB in relation to third and independent sector providers is complex and is an area we are still grappling with. We are keen to hear your views of how you are approaching this issue in your IJBs and within your clinical and care governance structures. Please email Helen Malo at with any thoughts. This document will be iterative and we will release updated versions as our understanding of clinical governance across integrated services grows.
If you have any comments or would like to find out more information then please contact the RCN Scotland Policy team by emailing them at or by filling in the attached feedback form and sending it to Policy, RCN Scotland, 42 South Oswald Road, Edinburgh, EH9 2HH

Page last updated - 27/07/2018