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Written submission (Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Bill)

05 September 2018
RCN Scotland’s response to the call for views issued by the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee on the Human Tissue (Authorisation) (Scotland) Bill.
The RCN supports an opt-out system of consent for organ donations after death, where there is evidence that certain safeguards, supports and resources are in place. This position is based on the responses of RCN members to a survey in early 2018. The survey also highlighted the work still to be done among nursing staff and the public to increase the rate of organ and tissue donation, irrespective of the system of consent. The RCN's evidence summarises the safeguards, supports and resources the RCN would expect to accompany any opt-out system, including: commissioning of an evaluation to assess the medium-to-long-term impact of any opt-out system on the rate of successful donations; launching by government of a public awareness campaign no less than a year in advance of any change in system; and commencement, again no less than a year in advance of any change, of an awareness and education programme for all health care professionals.

Page last updated - 18/09/2018