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Written submission (Health & Sport Committee call for views Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill)

25 July 2018
RCN Scotland’s response to the call for views issued by the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee on the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Bill 
Legislation must make a positive and lasting difference for staff and patients, with positive outcomes for people and staff at the heart of decision making.  Nursing leaders, whether at a ward, team or governance level, should be able to exercise their professional judgement about whether there are the right number of nursing staff with the right knowledge, skills and experience, in the right place and at the right time. All decisions about nursing staffing must be based on data and evidence, which is robust, up-to-date and used appropriately. Organisations must take responsibility, and be accountable for, providing the right number of nursing staff with the right knowledge, skills and experience, in the right place and at the right time; and the Scottish Government must take responsibility for ensuring a supply of nursing staff which meets demand. There must be public scrutiny of staffing for safe and effective care and sanction if the law is not met. This legislation is a starting point, but work must continue to ensure that Scotland has the health and care staff it needs across nursing and other disciplines.

Page last updated - 03/08/2018