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Update on England's 14 integrated health and social care pioneer programmes

Viewpoints of RCN members

19 December 2014
Summarises the findings of a short RCN member survey that attempts to gain insight into the initial impact of the 14 English integrated pioneer programmes. Latest briefing in the RCN's series of papers on integrated health and social care.
While brief, this qualitative survey has provided some timely initial insight into the viewpoints of frontline nursing staff working in the integrated pioneer programmes. Common complaints such as lack of staff/support, increased workload, and lack of ownership and clarification of roles, coupled 8/20 with broader issues such as separate IT systems not being able to speak to each other as well as lack of GP engagement are perhaps the most noteworthy – the latter two points are highlighted by the King's Fund as common challenges to integrated care.

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Page last updated - 23/03/2017