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The Keogh Review and special measures

13 August 2013
This is a short factual RCN briefing on the Keogh Review report and to provide factual information on the special measures being applied to the 11 NHS trusts named by the Secretary of State for Health on 16 July 2013 (Hunt, 2013).

The review teams that visited the 14 trusts found inadequate numbers of nursing staff in a number of ward areas, particularly out of hours – night and at the weekend. This was compounded by over-reliance on unregistered support staff and temporary staff.

The Keogh Report highlights the following action in response to these concerns. The report states: "As set out in the Compassion in Practice, directors of nursing in NHS organisations should use evidence-based tools to determine appropriate staffing levels for all clinical areas on a shift-by-shift basis. Boards should sign off and publish evidence-based staffing levels at least every six months providing assurance about the impact on quality of care.

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Page last updated - 23/03/2017