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Modernising Nursing Careers 2

01 July 2007
This paper is an update on a previous RCN policy briefing on Modernising Nursing Careers published in April 2007.

The RCN has commissioned specific work to aid members' knowledge and understanding of the context and implications of MNC.

This includes:

  • A paper scoping the evidence regarding what is known about the current outcomes of pre-registration nurse education
  • A paper outlining options for how nurse education could be funded in the future
  • A discussion by Professor Dame Jill Macleod Clark outlining her vision of nurse education and career pathways for the future
  • Modelling future nursing workforce scenarios

In addition the RCN is devising a communication strategy in order to ensure that consultations receive the widest possible coverage and response.

For further information, please email

Page last updated - 23/03/2017